Friday, January 2, 2009

It is insanely cold!

We had the option to take today off, and since I am coming down with the cold that my lovely baby neice has shared with the family, I opted not to go. It is really cold in the house, and so my bro built a fire. It smells smokey and woody in the house now, and even though it doesn't do much for the temp in the house, it sure does create the perception of warmth. My boss gave me a lovely fireplace insert which will significantly improve the usefulness of the fireplace but I can't talk the stupid boys into installing it--and the damn thing is SUPER heavy.

We watched some classic movies today--classically silly. The first was the Adam West Batman movie. Goofy! The other was one of my favorites as a kid, Ghostbusters. I do love that one--"There is no Dana, only Zool!" Love it!!

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