Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Bastille Day!

Bastille Day is an independence day in France, marked with celebrations and parades...

July 14th is also very near and dear to my heart because it is my birthday! I am 31 today. Funny, doesn't seem like I am a "thirty-something" but here we go. I had always held 30 up as the point where you become a grown up, but now I think maybe the magic age might be 40. I mean, come on, I am nowhere near grown-up. I like Harry Potter more than any one person should be allowed, I live to color (though I can justify it by calling it "art"), I bought a car because it was a "pretty pretty Mustang" etc. I am so not grown up.

My dad says that 40 wasn't it, nor 50, so maybe we are grown ups at 60? Who knows.

My very cool coworkers are taking me out to lunch today--Thai food. I never get to eat Thai because no one in my family likes it. I also could have gone for Mexican food, but the Mexican place that I like puts a hat on your head and sings to you on you birthday. I am so not feeling the hat.

I guess the only thing that I would really like for my birthday this year would be for my dad to come home and cook dinner--swiss steak. But not this year. I guess I'll have to go to Hawaii for lucky number 32.

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