Friday, October 24, 2008

The Office Updates...and more

I just watched the 4th episode of The Office, season 6 (thank God for DVR!) and I am so far loving it, but quite disappointed. Please note, if you have not been watching but wish to, here be spoilers. Go to to catch up, then come on back to read.

So, Pam is at art school in New York, which means that we have seen her for minutes per episode. As Pam and Jim are my favorites, this is killing me! They are focusing heavily on Michael/Holly and Dwight/Angela/Andy--interesting stories, I'll admit, but now that J&P are engaged, I want to see THEM planning a wedding. Jim did meet up with Roy in this last one, got super paranoid about Pam's new friendships and life in NY and almost pulled the jealous boyfriend arrival at her dorm.

It is pretty painful to watch Michael and Holly together. Their awkwardness and utter dorkdom is so excruciating for me to see, but they are really very well matched.

Dwight is in serious pain in his socially retarded, inept jealousy and hurt at Angela and Andy's relationship. It is fun to watch his irrational fight for his woman.

All in all, I am completely sucked into it, and looking forward to this season. I just want to have it all NOW rather than wait a week per episode. I actually prefer discovering shows late in their run so that I can just rent the full seasons and watch them in sequence. Ah well.

PS. Still waiting for Harry Potter 6. I am so bummed that they are moved the opening. Yes, this came down a while ago, but I am still lamenting it.

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